About Founder

Nalanda, the prime face of Bihar has a recognised face of education that taught the world the postulation of Vedas, logic, grammar, medicine, metaphysics, prose composition and rhetoric. The pious land of Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira provided many generations with a better life. Late Mr. Devendra Prasad Singh was one such personality who made others' lives worth celebrating. He was a great social volunteer who contributed to the development and upliftment of the socio-economic status of the vulnerable and bereft community of the society. Born in Ghosrawan village of Giriyak block in Nalanda district on Dec 19, 1956, he was the eldest of all the children of Late. Shri Natho Singh, a freedom fighter, and received education at a village government school. With the experience gathered from being politically and socially active, he was self-motivated and envisioned an equity-based society devoid of any exploitation on the ground of sex, race, caste, creed, class & religion. Mr. Singh was a true social worker who sacrificed his comfort space for social service at a very young age. Committed to the development of the poor, deprived, and marginalized sections of society, he came up with the idea in 1983 to establish a forum with the support of other like-minded people, resulting in the formation of ‘Bhartiya Jan Utthan Parishad’ which was registered on 13th August 1986 as an organization.

The objective behind the formation of the organization was to work for the holistic development of socially excluded, marginalized, and poor sections of society. Late Mr. Devendra Prasad Singh was ahead of his time, believing that until a holistic development approach is followed, development processes are in vain. He believed in the importance of renovating AAHAR, PYNE, to ensure the regular supply of water for agricultural activities and to create local employment. He held various positions and received numerous awards for his contributions:

Late Mr. Devendra Prasad Singh

  • Director for Nalanda Gramin Bank for seven years (1984-1991).
  • “Fr. James Tong Memorial Award” by Bihar Voluntary Health Association in 1997-98.
  • “The Global March Award” by Mr. Kailash Satyarthi, International Coordinator, Global March against child labour in 1998.
  • BJUP was awarded for best performance in the field of “Communal Harmony”, “Rajgir Mahotsav”, and “Social Service” by the District Magistrate, Nalanda.
  • “Man of Achievement Award 1999” by I.P.H., New Delhi.
  • “Gem of India Award-2000” and “Achiever of the Millennium Award-2000” by All India Achievers Conference, New Delhi.
  • “Bharat Gaurav Award” by India International Friendship Society, Delhi in 2000.
  • Secretary - District Literacy Committee - Nalanda (July 1998 to July 2000).
  • “Satish Chandra Environment Award” by Gram Niyojan Kendra, Ghaziabad in 2001 (posthumous).

Mr. Singh's awards reflect his passion, hard work, self-motivation, interest, willpower, and confidence to bring positive change in society. He was a father figure to those initiating new efforts in social development. His aura and presence were immeasurable; he courageously undertook initiatives for social service and development flawlessly until his last breath. Tragically, he was murdered by criminals while returning from a Literacy programme at the DM Residence on 26 July 2000 at 7 PM. Every year on his death anniversary, the BJUP family organizes a congregation to revisit his exemplary ideologies and fulfill his aim of spreading and bringing positivity to society.

The establishment of Bhartiya Jan Utthan Parishad is the result of the constant efforts and dedication of Late Shri Devendra Prasad Singh, a man who sacrificed his life for a social cause. His ideology prioritizes the community and serves them with the best. We thank him for showing us the path that leads to sustainable social development.